The firearm has a 24" partial octagon barrel, and displays a fine blue'd finish, with nice walnut grips, and stock.
In 1885 competitive target shooting in America had the stature professional golf, or even major league football has today. Action Type: Single Shot Lever Actuated Falling Block. Being offered is a unique opportunity to acquire a most important investment grade firearm. SHIPPING NOTICE:Jackson's is your sole and only source for one stop packing and shipping. , Schuetzen buttplate, PG Schuetzen stock, Stevens vernier tang sight, late Lyman globe front sight, no provision for rear sight, single trigger, exc. Stevens Model 44 and 45 This Stevens manufactured barrel band is for the No. Cobra Firearms PISTOL/BEARMAN IND CL22LBP. Model 40 Varmint Hunter with AccuTrigger.
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*Please Note!! The original Stevens line of spur trigger tip-up single-shot pistols, tip-up rifles, and "pocket rifles" gave way to offhand target pistols and the highly-regarded Ideal rifle.

In the period 1926 -1929 a profusion of Bugatti models was listed for sale: racing types T35, T35B, T35C, T39 sports version Types 35A, T37, T37A the touring model Type 30 replaced with a similar Type 38, later itself replaced by the 3-litre 8-cylinder Type 44 (69x100mm) Type 40 using the 4-cylinder engine from the Type 37 a splendid. Make: Reproduction Stevens Frame, Paul Shuttleworth Barrel. Guns for Sale Seller Resources Join the Guns.

Stevens model 44 for sale Available in very limited quantities & once they are gone they will never be available again.