Software Data Penduduk Indonesia
Software Data Penduduk Indonesia

Software Data Penduduk Indonesia

Pratical PostgreSQL: A Hardened, Robust, Open Source Database.

Software Data Penduduk Indonesia

“Pengembangan Sistem Portal Satu Data Indonesia Pada Kantor Staf Presiden Menggunakan Comprehensive Kerbal Archieve Network ( CKAN ).” Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (J-PTIIK) Universitas Brawijaya 2(8): 2882–88. Wicaksono, Bayu, Denny Sagita Rusdianto, and Adam Hendra Brata. “A Comparative Study of Handwriting Recognition Techniques.” In Proceedings of International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management, ICCAKM 2020, IEEE, 456–61.

Software Data Penduduk Indonesia

Vashist, Prem Chand, Anmol Pandey, and Ashish Tripathi. “PEMODELAN PENYEBARAN INFEKSI COVID-19 DI KALIMANTAN, 2020.” Jurnal Teknologi Informasi: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Bidang Teknik Informatika 14(2): 171–78. Teguh, Rony, Abertun Sagit Sahay, and Fengky F Adji.

#Software Data Penduduk Indonesia software

“Comparative Evaluation of Automated Unit Testing Tool for PHP.” International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology 3(2): 7–11. Sandin, Easter Viviana, Noraniah Mohd Yassin, and Radziah Mohamad. “Analysis and Practical Application of PHP Frameworks in Development of Web Information Systems.” Procedia Computer Science 104(December 2016): 51–56. Prokofyeva, Natalya, and Victoria Boltunova. “Story Card Based Agile Software Development.” International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 2(2). Patel, Chetankumar, and Muthu Ramachandran. “A Comparative Study of White Box, Black Box and Grey Box Testing Techniques.” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 3(6): 12–15. “A Structure-Behavior Coalescence Method for Integrating SysML Internal Block Diagram with Activity Diagram.” ICSGRC 2019 - 2019 IEEE 10th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, Proceeding (August): 142–45. PEDOMAN TEKNIS SENSUS PENDUDUK 2020 BPS PROVINSI DAN BPS KABUPATEN KOTA 1A. Pertumbuhan Dan Persebaran Penduduk Indonesia: Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2010. Pengenalan Tentang BPS, An Overview of Statistics Indonesia. “Comparative Analysis of Two Popular Agile Process Models: Extreme Programming and Scrum.” International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications 8(2): 1–7. “Comparative Study between Data Flow Diagram and Use Case Diagram.” International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 6(3): 124–27.Īnwer, Faiza et al. “Extreme Programming for a Single Person Team.” Proceedings of the 46th Annual Southeast Regional Conference on XX, ACM-SE 46: 82–87.Īleryani, Arwa Y. With this system, the recording of population recapitulation data, especially in West Kalimantan Province, can run effectively.Īgarwa, Ravikant, and David Umphress. The system can quickly accept changes and can be adapted quickly by officers. The system development method applied is the Agile Model Personal eXtreme Programming Method. Utilization of this technology is expected to increase effectiveness and efficiency in problem solving. This system will take advantage of various available technologies, such as Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, PHP and Codeigniter. In this study, a system was developed to assist the population census processing in the population recapitulation data recording section. The current system is considered to have weaknesses that make processing less effective. A quick population recapitulation calculation, which is by implementing the Covid-19 protocol, demands that organizers adapt quickly. These challenges are not only felt in the field, but also during processing. The schedule of these activities was carried out when Covid-19 made the burden heavier. Implementing a Census with a very wide working area and a very large number of officers has its own challenges. AbstractThe 2020 Population Census is a big agenda for the Central Statistics Agency.

Software Data Penduduk Indonesia